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How to get rich: 5 secrets to become 100% rich

 How did he get rich? How did he get rich from scratch? How do I get rich? Questions that haunt everyone without exception, but only a few begin to search for deep and practical answers to actually pave the way towards wealth and wealth.

How to get rich: 5 secrets to become 100% rich

When it comes to money, the general public's thinking is conventional. Another category of people believes that you will not become rich unless you take illegal paths. On the other hand, less than 1% of people firmly believe that you can get rich from scratch.

Your failure to turn your desire to become rich into a reality you live is because you do not really realize that money and wealth is a game in a fast and ever-evolving age. As with any game, there are always rules to play and win. Winning the money game is not an easy task, but rather it requires a real and deep understanding of the rules and mysteries of money secrets.

How do I become rich? You dream of becoming rich, but do not know how to turn your dream into reality. Here are 5 axes in which you will learn how to become rich and understand the game of wealth and put you on the road to wealth:

How do I become rich, how do I become rich

You must know for sure that your view of things, in general, necessarily affects the way you deal with them and your behavior towards them. Therefore, you should also be careful when it comes to your view of money so that it is not a reason that prevents you from achieving wealth.

Before you ask yourself: How do I get rich? You have to honestly ask yourself: Why do you think you'll never get rich

Be honest with yourself while answering, and look for negative thoughts and attitudes that do not support your goal of achieving wealth and may prevent you from doing so, then get rid of them. When you begin to believe that there is an abundance of money, resources, and opportunities, and when you will trust in your ability to qualify yourself to earn money, only then will you become truly qualified to walk the path of achieving wealth and get your abundant share of the money.

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Be sure to get rid of the thoughts that hinder you (how can I become rich when I am poor, I cannot become rich, money is hard, wealth is for the corrupt, and other negative thoughts that prevent you from moving forward). Make sure that the world lives in an abundance of money and sustenance that suffices all people and at all times, provided that the conditions for obtaining it are met and its causes are taken into account. There is no shortage of money because every person can get his share if he works for it and takes his reasons. The universe has more than enough blessings, gifts and whiffs than we can desire.

2- Look at money and wealth as a result.

How to become rich

How to become rich, how to become rich

Achieving wealth and great financial achievements is originally the result of a group of actions and efforts, and they represent the reasons. It is very strange that we find the majority of people working in vain most of the time to change the reality/result without first paying attention to the reasons and working to change them. Wisdom says: It is madness to keep doing the same thing and expect different results each time! The question “How do I get rich” means that it should become as follows: What do I do to get rich!

Wealthy successful people see money as a result of good ideas and fruitful businesses, so you find them willing to create and provide great value to others, and in return they reap their wealth. So research and focus on what you have to provide in the first place in order to get the money as a result.

3- How did he get rich? Cultivate a sense of entitlement.

Your feeling of entitlement in all aspects of life is strong in the childhood period, but what happens is that as you progress through the stages of life, you begin to program yourself on the information that your surroundings give you, and since people around us often focus their thinking on ideas of deficiency and poverty, you You are also imbued with these ideas as a result. So, how will you become rich if you are like them?

Do you think all the time that you are born to be a poor loser? If the answer is yes, then do not blame your mind for believing in you and achieving what you were programmed to do since childhood.

Before you think about answering the question of how to get rich, you must first believe in your entitlement to wealth. Gradually develop your sense of entitlement until you are ready to walk the road to wealth. If you believe in your ability to reach financial freedom, with faith that is accompanied by thinking and putting effort into work, of course, then you will have come halfway towards your goal and know how to become rich. This belief in yourself and your entitlement will push you - sometimes unconsciously - to engage in activities and behaviors to prove the reality of the thoughts that control you and form your awareness and even your subconscious.

4- Plan to invest from now


?How do I become rich

How do I become rich, how do I become rich

How to get rich quickly? Investing is one of the fastest ways to build wealth over time. All you need is to know the basics of investment, to be able to develop an investment plan that will help you grow your money as much as you want.

At this point, all you need to do is start to understand the simple basics of investing and decide how you want to start your investment journey. Here are some simple steps that can help you do that:

Understand the basics of investing: There are many financial products and assets that you can invest in. Make sure that you are familiar with how the markets work that you can benefit from, such as the stock market, the digital currency market, and some of its products, such as stocks, bonds, and investment funds. Then determine the strategies that you will follow to achieve your financial investment goals.[1] To learn more about investing in stocks: How do I enter the stock market?

Determine how much money you want to start with: if your salary does not allow for

As you start investing a lot of money, you can start saving first. You can save some small money every month until you have an amount that you can invest. You can even start investing with an amount not exceeding 500 riyals, but on the condition that you invest this amount every month continuously and periodically until you are sure to build a portfolio of value and weight and increase your chances of achieving returns and profits.

– Make sure to diversify your investments: any profitable project or business aims to grow and make a profit, but success is not always achieved the way we want. So, beware that your desire to get rich quickly pushes you to put everything you own in one project because getting up after failure in this case is difficult, and you may get frustrated and may also give up. The easiest thing to do with money is to spend it, as the Japanese proverb says: “Collecting and earning money is like digging with a nail, but spending it is like pouring water into sand.” It is wise not to put all your capital into just one project. Nor should you get involved in a business that you do not understand or believe in. Investigate well before investing your money in anything, and invest with experienced people who are attested by reality.

✅ Here are the types of investment: 11 ways to invest money

5. Build a passive income.

Building passive income, in addition to your primary income, is one of the most effective ways that will enable you to achieve your financial freedom and increase the value of your investments, and thus grow your money exponentially.[2]

Passive income is a type of income that does not require continuous effort and time to be earned. In other words, this type of income, once you put in the effort and time in the first place to build it, continues to provide you with financial gains on a regular basis that does not require you to do anything. There are a number of ways you can build this kind of income, such as starting a blog, an educational YouTube channel, starting a small business, or selling digital products.

✅ Here are the best sources of passive income: 10 ways to earn passive income

How to get rich: 3 books that teach you how to get rich

There is a group of financial books that answer the question of how to become rich very effectively, and in a way that will help expand your understanding and awareness of the money game and build wealth. In this part of the article, we will present to you the three best and most powerful books that will teach you how to become rich.

Book how to get rich

Book how to become rich

1- The book of the richest man in Babylon:

The Richest Man in Bab is a book written by George Clasion in 1926. He offers his readers some financial advice by giving a collection of examples that were observed 4000 years ago in ancient Babylon. Despite its age, the book is still in print nearly a century after its publication and is considered a foundation of classic financial thought. Readers will agree that this book presents the basic principles of wealth creation, and they will remain relevant at all times and places.

✅ For a summary of the book: The richest man in Babylon

2- Poor Dad and Rich Dad Book:

This book by Robert Kiyosaki was first published in 1997 and quickly became a must-read financial book for people interested in investing, developing money, the global economy, and building wealth. The book's ideas revolve around how to use money as a means to develop wealth, and its main goal is to fight the traditional thought that says that the rich are born rich.

✅ For a summary of the book: Rich Dad and Poor Dad

3- Book Think and Grow Rich:

This book was written by Napoleon Hill in 1937 and has gained great popularity and a wide readership as a book on personal and self-development. It is the first book that was able to boldly answer the question, “What makes a winner in the money game?” Although what was mentioned about the book suggests that it is a book whose ideas revolve around money only, its ideas go far beyond that, as it talks about a way of life that makes the individual win in all aspects of his life by following the basic guidelines that the writer offers and recommends.

✅ For more financial wealth books: 10 books on financial awareness

Summary of how to get rich

How did he get rich? How do I get rich? Move away from traditional thinking about money as you seek to become rich. Moving away from traditional thinking about building wealth is crucial in the journey of wealth, which today requires creative, unconventional and innovative ideas. Creative financial thinking has become the most effective way of the era to make money, but a lot of money. We always notice that successful people and those with great prestigious achievements do not follow the path that everyone takes to transfer money. Rather, they are the first to come up with their own unique ideas to achieve wealth and earn money. In the end, you can always learn how to become rich, start doing, and you will take your first steps towards wealth and wealth.


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